Laughter is the Best Medicine

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Breaking in 2010...with a trip to the ER

Does anybody mind if I say that "Cancer sucks"? Good. Cancer sucks. Big time.

For our first date in 2010, Adam and I glided into his Buick LeSabre, uh, I mean, stylin' Buick LeSabre, and drove to...the...(you as giddy with anticipation as I?)...ER department of LDS Hospital. Woohooo! We may be married with kids, but we still know how to do Salt Lake City!

Why the trip to the ER, you ask? Well, cancer in the bones is painful. Opioid narcotics relieves pain. Opioid narcotics constipate. Stool softeners, well, soften stool. Chemotherapy kills cancer cells. Chemotherapy makes me nauseated. Nausea makes it difficult to take stool softeners. No stool softeners = ER. C'mon, people, this is simple!

Today was supposed to be chemotherapy treatment # 4, but my white counts were too low and I had too many mouth sores. I did have my bone-strengthening drug, Zometa (a bisphosphonate). Best of all, I had the company of my dear friend, Elisa "Eli" Wilcox, who I have known for nearly 20 years, as well as Eli's mother, who lives in Redding, California. I am incredibly fortunuate to have dear friends accompany me to my medical appointments. Today's appointment lasted more than 9 hours total. So fun!

Arrived home at 7:30 p.m. to two additional treats: 1) a hot, delicious meal from our neighbors and dear friends, Judy Norman and Dixi Hall, and 2) the safe arrival of Gabrielle from Junior Jazz practice (thanks to Amy, Genevieve, and Oliver for taking Gabs to and from practice).

Well, my scribe (aka "hubby") is getting sleepy, so I must sign off. Love to all of you.




  1. Just wanted to let you know that I am most of the time and willing to help out with whatever you need whenever you need it. Just give me a call. We love you.

  2. Gee, I was really hoping for some more details on the ER trip...

    Sorry that was such a crappy day. Hope you're feeling better and that today is looking up. Love you.

  3. wow, you certainly do know how to do salt lake city... unlike anyone i know!! i hope it goes up from here. love to you.

  4. TL you write a great blog! So sorry for all your struggles but your accounts of them are amazingly readable and I am astonished at your ability to make the load seem so much lighter than it truly must be.
    Hope the rest of the week is much better.

    Love you....

  5. Hey Friend! So glad I finally found your blog! I love, love, love your christmas card picture. Put it up right away above my desk. Can't wait to go to the beach with you when chemo ends. White, sandy beach...Love ya!!!

  6. Sooooo are there any cute doctor's you can fantasize about? Cute nurses? Hey, I'm willin' to put my life at risk for that experiment you were talkin' about last infusion day... you know, when you're at the wheel driving to Huntsman with your eye's closed. I don't mind being in the passenger seat and act like the conductor in the Polar Express: "LEFT!" "RIGHT!" "LEFT!" (could be quite fun!)

  7. I am so excited that you started a blog, they are so much fun! I'm glad that I get to read along with what is going on with your treatments, seeing as how I'm not in the ward anymore its nice to stay up-to-date with you and your family! Sorry about the ER trip- no fun! Keep up the good fight!

  8. Hi TL! I have been thinking about you and praying for you a lot lately. I am glad you started a blog and more glad that I happened upon it. Thanks for sharing. I have always admired your optimism and sense of humor!
